New Teen Philanthropy Program

This year, the UJCVP has launched a year-long program for 8th-12th graders from across the Peninsula to develop strong leadership skills, learn the ins and outs of philanthropy through a Jewish lens, and allocate grants to effect real change in the causes they care about most.

The group will use a consensus process to choose an issue area to focus on for the year, learn about non-profits, grant proposals and how to evaluate them, raise funds, go on site visits to different agencies, and eventually allocate money to various non-profits of their choice — all while experiencing firsthand how the grant-making cycle works and how philanthropy is applied to real life.

The program starts on October 20th and will meet every two to four weeks, for two hours. There will also be a grant presentation ceremony to close out the year in late spring. In the spring, each board will do 3-5 site visits to learn more about their different non-profits. Full engagement in each session is strongly encouraged and there may be minimal work required in between.

The program is designed for caring and motivated teens who are interested in philanthropy, leadership and transforming the world around them.

For more information, or to sign up, visit