News & Stories

CNU Welcomes Dr. Vered Sakal to lead Jewish Studies

Dr. Vered Sakal has been named the Bertram and Gladys Aaron Professor of Jewish Studies at Christopher Newport University, where she will lead Judaic Studies and build strong ties with the Jewish community. She currently serves as the 2021-2023 Melanie and Andrew Goodman visiting fellow for …

UJCVP Shabbat Message: Looking Around and Seeing No One

One of the first things we learn about Moses in this week’s Torah reading is how he helps another person. Emerging from a sheltered existence as a member of Pharoah’s household, he sees an Israel slave being cruelly beaten by an Egyptian. The text reads that “he turned this way and tha…

UJCVP Shabbat Message: When Life Gives you Lemons

This past New Year’s morning, as most of the world was still waking up from their late night celebrations, our UJCVP campus was bustling with activity.  Our incredible team of educators at the Sarfan Early Childhood Center showed up on their holiday to transform our main building into bea…

Newport News woman has authors children's book to promote understanding

At the C. Waldo Scott Center in Newport News, Candace Bazemore reads her book from cover to cover to children.

“Who here likes to learn about cultures? Raise your hands,” Bazemore said before beginning her read.

In April, Candace, and Gabrielle Spatt published their children’s book, …

UJCVP Shabbat Message: Stronger Together

This week’s Torah reading begins with Jacob, exhausted from his flight from his brother,     preparing to rest for the night. In an open field, Jacob gathers stones and makes a pillow of sorts so he can sleep before moving on in the morning. 

A Midrash describes a fight that breaks o…