News & Stories

UJCVP Shabbat Message: Your Brothers Go Into Battle & You Will Sit Here?!

When we live in comfort and security, it can be difficult to understand the situation of those in peril - even harder to share in the trouble of the unfortunate.  

In this week’s Torah portion, the Jewish people are nearing the end of their journey home. After years wandering and fightin…

UJCVP Shabbat Message: Remembering Dr. Richard Freund

There are some people in this world that are blessed with the courage and vision to make a difference.  

In this week’s Torah portion we read about the division of the Land of Israel and the brave daughters of Zelophehad who (as a result of only men being counted in the census) are witho…

UJCVP Shabbat Message: Sorcerers, Security and Not Dwelling Alone

Not that we needed the reminder – this week’s Torah portion shows us that threats can come from far and wide. We read the account of the sorcerer Bilaam who is summoned by the King Balak of Moab to curse the people of Israel. After being humiliated by his talking donkey, Bilaam moves bet…

FBI Director Honors UJCVP Security Advisor David Brackins

David Brackins, who directs the communal security programs for the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula, the Federation of Richmond, and the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, has been selected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as the 2021 recipient of the Directo…