News & Stories

UJCVP Shabbat Message: Celebrating You

This Sunday, the UJCVP will host our Annual Meeting. The afternoon will include the installation of our new board slate, a glimpse into the work of the UJCVP and what lies ahead, the awarding of the Young Leadership Award and the Beskin Memorial Scholarship Award, and a delicious BBQ lunch…

"We Would Like to Speak in Our Name" Columbia Jewish Students Pen Letter

Hundreds of Jewish students at Columbia University have signed an open letter defending their support for Israel and decrying harassment they’ve faced surrounding the school’s pro-Palestinian encampment.  The 1,200-word letter began making the rounds three weeks after pro-Palestinian st…

UJCVP Shabbat Message: Update on Campus Protests

Over the Passover holiday and beyond, we have watched with great alarm the eruption of anti-Israel protests on college campuses around the country – including here in Virginia at Virginia Tech, University of Virginia, University of Mary Washington, George Mason and VCU.

While peaceful pro…

UJCVP Shares Guide to Bring Meaning into Seders this Year

Each year, Passover is a unique moment on the Jewish calendar that unites the Jewish people in its widely observed tradition of sitting around the table reciting the ancient story of the Exodus from Egypt.  However, as we sit at our seder tables this year, we are confronted with a new quest…

Governor Glenn Youngkin Signs Bipartisan Hate Crime Legislation

RICHMOND, VA – Governor Glenn Youngkin signed 100 bills, including SB7 and HB18 which safeguard Virginians from unlawful discrimination, hate crimes, and antisemitism on Tuesday, April 2. The Governor also vetoed four bills.  

“From day one, we have made combating antisemitism and r…