Our Board members believe in the collective power of community. They are passionate community leaders committed to strengthening the Virginia Peninsula Jewish community and the community at large. They lead the UJCVP through their expertise and knowledge, setting strategic direction and policies, providing supervision and direction to the executive and providing fiduciary oversight.

Executive Committee

Steve Marks, President
Steve Shapiro, President Elect
Patty Meyerson, Treasurer
Quentin Kidd, Vice President 

Robin Levy, Vice President
Jeff Luckman, Chair of the JCRC
Jenny David, Chair of the Annual Campaign *
Wendy Eisner, Past President *

Board Members

Kelli Caplan * 
Mariel Focseneanu
Joanne Gordon
Lisa Green
Joel Kirsch
Shelly Kostiner
Guy Levy *

Lori Luckman

Jonathan Rathsam
Barbara Rosenbaum

Neal Rosenbaum *
Ed Sarfan *
Jody Sarfan *
Matt Schorr
Michael Schulman
Chuck Stern

Scott Wolf, President of Adath Jeshurun Congregation
Marley Keefer, President of Congregation Emet V'Or
Martha Katz-Hyman, President of Rodef Sholom Temple
Joel Levine, President of Temple Beth El
Irene Jacobson, President of Temple Sinai
Buddy David, President of The UJCVP Endowment

*Past President of the UJCVP