Women philanthropists are the change-makers and community-shapers of the world. We are sisters and daughters, mothers and friends, compassionate and committed women at every stage of life. Federation's Women’s Philanthropy engages Jewish women in the fulfilling work of making the world a better place. Through our work on behalf of the UJCVP’s Annual Campaign, women take a leading role in raising funds - over half of our campaign annually - to meet the needs of Jews locally, in Israel, and around the world.

Lion of Judah

The most dynamic group of philanthropic Jewish women in the world, Lion of Judah is an international sisterhood of activists who care deeply about the Jewish future and commit their time, work, and money into shaping it. 

Can you Roar with the Lions? 
You can become a Lion of Judah by making a gift of at least $5,000 to the UJCVP Annual Campagin. 
Please contact jmalkin@ujcvp.org for more information.

“I am a lion because I wouldn’t have the blessed life I have today if it wasn’t for Jewish philanthropy!  A Jewish organization helped my parents leave persecution in Romania and build an amazing life here in the U.S.” --  Mariel Focseneanu

Chai Society Pomegranate

The Pomegranate is a symbol of a woman's commitment to - and compassion for - the Jewish people. This is a philanthropic giving level that represents the best of what Federation does: bringing together like-minded donors to do a world of good.

Would you like to join our Chai Society? 
We would love to welcome you with a minimum gift of $1,800 to the UJCVP Annual Campaign. 
Please contact jmalkin@ujcvp.org for more information.

“I believe in the power of the UJCVP; it brings people together in a way that everyone feels comfortable, offering an array of programs and events and providing for our community.” – Melissa Kashy

Pearl Society

The UJC Pearl Society Women's Giving Circle is made up of a group of women who contribute first and foremost, to our own community, but who also desire to express themselves more personally throughout the Jewish world.

Each Pearl contributes $180 to our giving circle, plus a minimum commitment to our UJC Annual Campaing. At the end of the year, through discussions and consensus, we donate the giving circle funds to six non-profit organizations around the world.

If you have any questions or would like to join Pearl Society, please contact Sara Traster.

“Pearl has been a vehicle for giving both through the group, as well as privately. I have donated money to organizations I learned about at Pearl presentations.“
- Tova Warren

Women's Philanthropy Events & Programs